At IAA.prototype.club 2023, TÜV NORD introduced a challenge focused on data synchronization between inspectors and garages including an incentive system. Explore the solutions the startups developed.
At IAA.prototype.club 2023, TÜV NORD introduced a challenge focused on data synchronization between inspectors and garages including an incentive system. Explore the solutions the startups developed.
Challenge partner Siemens Energy posed a challenge regarding offline asset localization
at the Hannover Messe 2023. They were amazed by the variety of innovative ideas the participants presented.
Bosch posed a hard- and software challenge at the IAA MOBILITY 2023 in regards to integrating radar and
ultrasonic sensors with delivery robots. The jury impressed how much the teams achieved in just two weeks.
As software as a service provider, Zentur.io made first place in the E-world.prototype.club 2022.
German transmission system operator TransnetBW took part in the Enerthon 2021, DLG.prototype.club 2022 and the E-world.prototype.club 2023 hosted by prototype.club. Their final conclusion on the developer sprint: a complete success!
CoVerified won the Enerthon challenge by TransnetBW and the E-world.prototype.club with a huge success following.
Max Brüggemann won the powercloud speed hackathon 2022 and made second place in the Elia Group hackathon.