Reading time: 8 min
The art of presenting a business model
In today’s business world, pitching is often hailed as the ultimate skill for business success – the art of telling a story in a few minutes that captivates investors, customers and partners.
Most of us have heard of the programme „Shark Tank“ (dt. „Die Höhle der Löwen“). A programme that teaches us that the perfect business pitch is the holy grail. Because if you’re not able to present your idea within a few minutes in such a way that even the toughest investor immediately pulls out his wallet, you’ve pretty much lost, haven’t you?

But let’s take a look at a man like Robert Bosch. He was undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur who turned his company into a global giant. But was he really a master of presentation? Imagine Bosch standing in front of a room full of investors today to present his ground-breaking idea for the first working magneto ignition device. Would he be able to communicate his vision so convincingly in just a few minutes that he would receive immediate support?
While many consider this approach to be indispensable, we at ask ourselves: Is this really the only path to success? Do you really need to master the art of the perfect presentation, or is it perhaps enough to simply have a damn good idea?
Pitching: a relic from the past?
Pitching is often associated with the image of standing in a metaphorical elevator and having the opportunity of a lifetime to convince someone. You have to be quick on your feet and deliver a convincing presentation to attract attention.

At we have a different approach to collaboration. Instead of people trying to run away, they are keen for relevant ideas and skilled implementors. This is not only a sign of respect, but also a mentality that suits Generation Z and turns the skills shortage into action.
Our events are not pitching competitions, but demos. It’s not about how fast you can run away, it’s about showing genuine interest in ideas and solutions. We create an environment where appreciation flows in all directions.
Beyond the show: The balance between the art of pitching and substance in the business world
Of course, it is important to recognise that good presentation skills and persuasiveness are valuable qualities that can support success in the business world. In no way do we want to minimise the importance of talented speakers or make them redundant. There are undoubtedly people who have mastered the art of pitching perfectly and are able to sell even the simplest of ideas with great enthusiasm.
However, it is equally important to recognise that the ability to present an idea convincingly does not necessarily correlate with the substance of the idea itself. Even empty or dubious ideas can be presented well through skilful rhetoric and impressive presentations. We should therefore look beyond this and focus not only on the surface but also on the core of an idea. Ultimately, it is the quality of the idea and its ability to solve real problems that determines long-term success, not just the ability to sell it convincingly.
Content before presentation: quality counts
Why do we reject traditional pitching? Because it’s not about how well you can present your ideas, but how well you understand them. Even if Albert Einstein couldn’t package his groundbreaking ideas in a perfect presentation, that wouldn’t diminish their brilliance.
Our focus is on the content, not the presentation. Robert Bosch, Gottlieb Daimler, Albert Einstein – were they all masters of pitching? That is of secondary importance. What counts is the quality of the solution. That is innovation.
Pitching at innovation competitions: a necessary evil?
You might be asking yourself: „But your innovation competitions end with pitching!“ Yes, that’s true. And that is precisely why we are addressing this issue. We want to make it clear that while pitching is a necessary part of the competition, it is not the deciding factor for success. It’s the understanding and depth of the ideas that make the difference.

Promoting innovation: Our mission
At, we see ourselves as service providers who make good ideas visible and create an environment in which innovation can flourish. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how well you can pitch, it’s about how well you can solve problems. And that can’t be packaged in a presentation.